In A Sense of Where You Are, John McPhee focuses on the career of the famous basketball player (and future Senator) Bill Bradley.  McPhee writes that

Every time a basketball player takes a step, an entire new geometry of action is created around him.  In ten seconds, with or without the ball, a good player may see perhaps 100 alternatives and from them make half a dozen choices as he goes along.  A great player will see even more alternatives and will make more choices, and this multiradial way of looking at things can carry over into his life.

I see photography much the same way: photography is about nothing if not about alternatives and I very much like McPhee's notion of a “multiradial” way of seeing things.  Now of course, most objects that someone takes a picture of have been photographed thousands of times before, but I think that each photograph is different, maybe and only in some minor way, as always the light is different and the perspective is different and the range from the focal plane of the camera to the object being photographed is different.  Each photograph, then, is an original.

I try to find patterns or colors or shadings or angles of view and especially lighting to make a particular photograph truly different and distinct.

I also believe that photography as no other medium captures moments in time, moments that exist only during that 1/60th or 1/125th or 1/500th of a second that the shutter is open.   Anyone who's taken a photograph of a child or a sunset knows this is true: everything changes instantly and only the camera can capture these moments.

In terms of seeing differently and of moments in time I want to point specifically to some of my photographs on this Webpage.  Ice of Hearts, for instance existed only as ice for a brief period of time and we'll never see it again.  In The Bee I managed to capture a photograph of a bee heading toward a poppy in our daughter Trace’s yard, here in Flagstaff.   I've taken thousands of other pictures of different bees and different flowers and yet The Bee caught something the others did not.

And even in what could be a mundane photograph of flowers and shrubs at the desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, I'd be hard pressed to again catch the lighting and shading and perspective of Reds or Zen Moment.

I hope you enjoy my photographs.

Nature photography based in Flagstaff, AZ.

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